Side Hustles

We have a problem. We sell small amounts of “farm-y” items, and these sales often take more time and energy than they bring in on the profit side. In this way, what we really have are reverse side hustles— lots of tiny sales that don’t bring home the bacon. The problem is, we love each of these things too much to stop doing them.

Garden/home sustainability consulting, $75/hour:

Are you interested in growing your own herb, vegetable or flower garden, but aren’t sure where to start? We’ve been in your shoes, and we can help. We advise on: garden bed design, the planting calendar, seeding, soil preparation, worm composting, rain barrel installation, etc. via zoom or in-person. We limit ourselves to working with five clients a month, so if you’re interested, write us a quick note here.

Worms, $25:

Red wiggler worms (Eisenia fetida) eat your raw food waste, keeping it out of the landfill and transforming it into nutrient-rich compost that your plants will LOVE. We sell bags full of live worms and their bedding for $25. You just need to provide their new home— a homemade or purchased bin to house them. Send us a note here when you have their home ready and would like to pick up live worms!

Raw Honey, $22/1 lb jar:

We harvest our honey the old fashioned way: by uncapping the comb, spinning the frames in a centrifuge, straining, and bottling the finished product. The fact that honey is often cheaper than alcohol by the ounce is criminal, because we know that honey bees have to visit over 2 million flowers to make one pound of honey. This sweet stuff is precious! Our honey is fresh, processed raw and we treat our bees well (we don’t “feed” them sugar water, and we never use chemicals). We tend to sell out of honey almost before we’re through harvesting it, so if you’re interested, please send us a message here and we’ll happily notify you after our next harvest.

Seedlings, $3 and up:

We sell small amounts of flower, vegetable and herb seedlings. We grow over 100 varieties of plants every year, and always seem to have extra seedlings that we can’t fit into garden beds. We like working with the same gardeners every year, so if you’re looking for unique plants on the regular, please get in touch.

Free Seeds, $0:

We really want people to discover the magic of growing plants. To that end, we give away up to 3 free seed packets a year to anyone interested. You can choose between seeds saved from our farm, and seeds we purchased. Send us an email, ideally letting us know what you’re keen to grow, and we’ll get back to you with a list of what we’ve got.